Version 5.0


Congratulations to all that participated in the game jam!! I'm so grateful to have come 4th especially in my first game jam, safe to say that I'll be participating in more because it was quite fun and a good challenge to my skills. I will continue to update this game and hopefully get it to final release standard. 


  • Readjusted the UI scale mode so that it scales with screen size, not exactly sure if it affects the game at all because it's played in the browser so it may just stay the same size
  • Added a score system which now shows you how many coins you've collected in each level
  • Reworked the title screen slightly
  • Briefly broke the transition fade to black but realised I accidentally changed the name of the reference object :D ahh the joys of coding...
  • Made a new player sprite, it is now a moth man!*
  • Resized character and a few of the hidden platforms
  • Added ghost moth platforms - the spotlight reveals ghosts!!
  • Changed the way platforms appear (check the linked video above)
  • Added coyote time and jump buffering (thanks to WayneGameDev for suggesting it!!)

* I did make an explorer type character for the player but I didn't like it so I made a humanoid Moth player.


Spotlight Play in browser
38 days ago

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